Dear nomads and aspiring nomads, This is our 6th ever BecomeNomad newsletter. When I started the blog, I have made a pr omise to myself to send newsletters every two weeks, which means I should have sent 42 newsletters so far. I think it is a great lesson for all of...
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A case study of my digital nomad lifestyle structure
Download | Stitcher | Itunes - PART 1 Download | Stitcher | Itunes - PART 2 This article is personal, since it relates to a specific pattern I follow while living my digital nomad life. In a way, those rules are the...
Media and Digital nomads – Interview with Kavi Guppta
In this episode we will interview Kavi Guppta, a knowledgeable and experienced digital nomad who discusses the tech industry, media for digital nomads and his remote work for Forbes and other magazines. Kavi has spoken with the most prominent nomads out there, so if...
How to choose the next travel destination
How to choose the next travel destination? Most of long term travelers are flexible when it comes to choosing our next travel destination, as this is part of the charm of having a nomadic lifestyle. However, it always pays off to invest time and thought into this...
3 Lessons To Help You Thrive As A Digital Nomad
My name is Nicolaus Jannasch. This same time last year I was still in college in Boston. I was really stressed out but I didn’t have any money issues, a kid on the way, or anything like that. My stress came from knowing that I wanted to do something different and that...
Best Digital Nomad Platforms for Booking Accommodations
Digital nomad Aaron Freed joins me today to discuss the best sites to book accommodation while traveling. In this episode, we discuss hostel booking sites like HostelWorld and Hostelbookers, and later move on to talk about on other sites such as We will...
Long term Travel Preparations and Check List
Spending time on preparation for travel will greatly increase the chances of fully enjoying traveling while avoiding those scary Oops moments of "I really wish I would have taken care of this while at home". Here's a to do list of preparation for travel in order to...
14 Years on the Road. Interview with Wandering Earl about the Nomadic Lifestyle
We are honored to have our first Nomad interview with Earl Baron, from the very popular and recommended travel blog WanderingEarl. Earl has been living the life of constant travel for more than 5,000 days, and shares his experiences and insights about the reality of...
Improving your Orientation while Traveling
Nomads are traveling constantly, and it can get confusing when your entire environment is always changing. By improving your orientation, you're more likely to feel at home at your new location. Good orientation will also save you valuable time, and is especially...
BecomeNomad Categories
Getting Started
Steps and preparations before your Nomadic lifestyle begins
Nomad Revenue Sources
Tips and resources about making money and generating revenue while on-the-move…
How to Travel Cheap
A long-term nomad must find ways to cut costs. These articles are here to help!
Nomad Social Life
Ways to quickly build a social life while constantly changing locations…
Explore Where You Are
Articles that will help you fully explore and appreciate each place you stay in.
Nomad Philosophy
Nomad lifestyle is more than traveling. Here are deeper topics related…
Nomad Tips
General tips about being on-the-move.
Security and Belongings
Improve your chances of preventing trouble, and dealing with it when if it comes..
Nomad Interviews
Nomad interview and case studies.
Special Projects
Community Posts
Articles written by the
Coworking resources.
Past Newsletters
Newsletters sent to Becomenomad’s community.
Recommended Locations
My Recommended Locations for all the BecomeNomad community.
General Articles
General Articles..