Here’s the idea: A straight week of disconnection. No work, reduced wifi, and plenty of time to focus on the life...
Nomad Knowledge Articles
What “The Prophet” Says about the Nomadic Lifestyle
Before we get to it, I should warn you: This post is a bit more spiritual than practical. Is it because I’m getting...
Ultimate Guide of Lithuania for Digital Nomads
Many foreign people asked about Lithuania would probably affirm having heard of this country before but questions like...
How to Meet Tourists While Travelling
As a digital nomad or a short term solo traveler, the ability to meet new people while traveling will have a great...
Digital Nomad Jobs
This article will discuss one of the best channels available to digital nomads for finding a job: making a living by...
Necessary steps before switching to nomad
So you've made the decision that a nomadic lifestyle is right for you - now what? Like every other big decision in...
Avoiding Attachment: The Only Way To Be Free
The basic reality of a nomad is to keep changing location. The first question that comes to mind when I think of...
Getting to Know the Place
When you arrive to your temporary base, it can be quite exciting. But we nomads have to adapt fast, so after a few...
Going Back to the Same Place, or Going to a New Place?
An important question to ask yourself: Should I travel to a new place or to a place I've really loved before? There...
Meeting Locals While Traveling
Meeting locals while traveling has huge benefits, and will make your stay in any place a very rewarding experience, so...
Sleeping in the Car
Sleeping in the car is not really a recommended option, but sometimes it's necessary. First of all, it's not very...
Should you befriend locals or tourist while traveling?
One of the challenges of a nomad is to constantly make an effort to build a social circle while traveling and changing...