10 Nomad Tips for Aspiring New Nomads
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Tips for Aspiring Nomads

This week, even before I decided to throw in some Nomad Tips I wanted to take a step back from my usual blogs, that deal with just one topic, and answer some of the questions that you have. You, who’ve been listening to this podcast and reading this blog over the years. You, who may be considering becoming nomads yourselves, and have some concerns.

You’re not sure if the lifestyle is right for you, you’re not sure where to begin, how to make money on the road, or how to deal with your families. These are just a few of the comments that I picked out from the blog, and gave my answers and nomad tips to. But feel free to continue commenting, and I’ll catch your question in the next round!

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Letting go of the “American dream”

Chris: I want to dive into the nomadic lifestyle because I notice my loved ones become happy or disappointed at the things they have or don’t have. A nomadic lifestyle seems to be the answer so I don’t suffer the same fate. Not to mention that I have a divine connection with my maker. My Zen is away from this “American dream” that leads to unhappiness in everyone I know.

I agree that not all of us have to follow a regular lifestyle. We do have a limited time on this planet and an alternative way of living may be a better fit for some people. Yes, there also are tips for adjusting your mindset… However, I can see that a lot of times people attack the “normal lifestyle”, as a way of justifying the nomadic one. And I disagree.

We are not at war against the regular lifestyle, it’s not the enemy. I respect it and understand that it’s the optimal way of living for most people – a nine to five job, a family, and a home. No nomad tips or other advice can be of use if we take the stance “against”.

be brave be you


Improve, not run away – mindset nomad tips

You should choose a lifestyle because you want to improve your existence, not run away from anything. Nomad tips are given here to encourage such a choice.

Respect everyone’s choice of living – cultural nomad tips

You should also respect everyone’s choice of living the best way they know.

I also want to clarify that a nomadic lifestyle is not free of disappointments and moments of unhappiness. It may not result from material possessions, but just from the experiences, you have along the way. Disappointments are just a part of life. Finally, I wanted to say that nomadic life may seem to be the answer for happiness, but you will only know if it’s right for you once you’ve tried. There’s a good possibility that you’ll find it unbearable.


You can always go back – logical nomad tips 

Be open to the chance that it may not work for you, and don’t force it – you can always go back, or try something else.

Getting in touch with nature (more tips)

James: I had a few questions, the first of which is, do you travel by foot or vehicle or bike? Do you gather your food from nature? Do you travel with a tent? Is it hard to find ways to make money on the road?

This question describes very well my vision of being a nomad before I started. Nomad tips were not given to me at that moment. I imagined myself against the world, experiencing life to the fullest, with crazy uncertainties, sleeping in a tent, and cooking on the road – basically, being a hipster. None of that has happened.

I’m like most people. I work in an office, eight or nine hours a day, I go swimming, and I have weekend trips. But unlike other people, I change location every three months. I enjoy no other freedom than the freedom to change my home. This is not the only way to be a nomad – it’s just the way that works for me.


Build your dream life – amazing nomad tips

You can travel with a tent, camping, and working with people on the road and build whatever life you find most enjoyable.

As for traveling, I travel a little by air and mostly by public transport. I camp when I can, which is at least a week every three months, and I try to sleep on the balcony if I have one. I go to restaurants or cook, I travel light (so I don’t have a tent) and I use Airbnb or Booking.com for accommodation. Sleeping in nature and picking my food from nature sound thrilling, but it’s just not where I am in life right now. Finally, as for making money online – it’s not hard, but it does take a lot of time and patience.


Market yourself – monetary nomad tips

You need to hone your skills and market yourself. Once you do all of that, you’ll get paid. As for the “karmic” side – once you get yourself going with a steady pace, and you accumulate knowledge and experience – give nomad tips to other aspiring nomads that are still at the beginning of their journey,

Again, the image I had of this life is quite different from what it turned out for me, and it can turn out completely different for you. 

Traveling before a major life change 

Ferms: I’m 18, live on the border and I’m currently in med school in Mexico across the border. I’m aspiring to become a doctor but would like to take a year off to add some excitement to my life, before settling down. I’d like to travel across the country while working anywhere and after a month or less take the first bus out of there to another state, city and continue like that. I want to have a grasp on what it means to enjoy life and meet different people with different perspectives. Any comments on my thoughts would truly help.

Yes, do it. Just because it’s called a “nomadic lifestyle” doesn’t mean it has to be your entire life.


Leave it when it’s enough – endurance nomad  tips

You can experiment with it for a year, even for a few months, and leave it when you feel that you’ve had enough.

In the Tibetan religion, there’s a concept called Bardo. A moment of change and disconnection, usually between periods of life. The Tibetans look at it as the most important part of life, and so do I. It happens usually when you finish school, the army, university, you quit your job or ended a relationship. Every “disaster” or ending like that clears the board for you to be freer. Most people panic in that situation and try to restore what they had before.


Never panic – real-life nomad tips

Do not panic. Instead, you should take advantage of those periods to break away and explore something new.

Intolerance towards nomads

Philip: What about religion in different cultures? In some cultures, you have to be a part of that religion or you lose your life. How do you cope with this and survive to move on?

I’ve discovered in my years of travel that people are good, non-violent, and welcoming in most cases. This is particularly true when it comes to foreigners and tourists. There is something about a tourist that invokes empathy in locals – they will try to assist, give directions, and just be nice in general. Nomad tips wouldn’t be complete without this side-note.

There are a few crazy places in the world that you should avoid in all costs (Iraq, Syria, and Libya come to mind). You don’t need nomad tips to figure that one out. The world is so big that you can pick and choose the safe places to go to. Start slowly, from peaceful places, and surround yourself with peaceful people.


Don’t look for trouble – obvious nomadic tips

Don’t look for trouble and it won’t find you.

conflict anger trouble

You can never go home again (or can you?)

Hector: A nomadic person never feels complete in their home. Me… I still looking for it, and it’s really hard.

I’ll start with a short story. I’m Jewish, and in Judaism, there used to be a narrative of the nomadic Jew, before Israel was established. The story tells that during the inquisition, when the Jews had to leave Spain, the sultan of Turkey offered them to settle down in Thessaloniki, Istanbul, or Jerusalem. All of them chose Thessaloniki and not Jerusalem.

One English scholar said that the Jew is a peculiar man. A man that only feels at home when he’s not at home. So I agree with that statement, as I also feel at home away from home. Having said that, a nomadic lifestyle will always be more challenging than a regular way of living – with uncertainties, loneliness, and other difficulties.


If unhappy, consider a change – from my experience

If you find that challenge and difficulties make you unhappy, maybe you need to consider a change.

Alone does not equal lonely

Ness: I went traveling on my own a couple of years ago and had to walk into places to socialize on my own. It got me out of my comfort zone and out of my shell fast. It also gave me a lot of confidence. I felt like I found a new me, traveling changes you. I met a lot of foreigners and found a new respect for all cultures, whereas if I was still sitting at home I would be still judging from my couch.


It felt amazing like I was alive and seeing the light for the first time. I felt at home. I remember feeling more sociable traveling on my own than I was traveling with a partner because when you’re with someone you tend to stick to yourselves more.

Traveling makes you grow and get to know yourself better because it puts you outside of your comfort zone. You grow as a person when you’re put in new situations. That’s why I like to say that the road is my psychologist. That would be one of the ultimate tips. When you travel with a partner, and I learned that from personal experience, you’re not as open towards the outsider.


Stay open-minded! – important nomad tips

As a solo traveler, you may spend more time alone, but you’ll also attract a lot more people – Stay open-minded! Communicate, and accumulate more nomad tips.

If you have any more questions about the nomadic lifestyle, about traveling in general, about the blog or the podcast, feel free to continue commenting on this “Page For Nomad Tips”. 

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Since 2010, Eli has traveled constantly as a digital nomad. The Become Nomad blog and podcast are here to give you insights and inspiration for living or starting your own unique nomadic lifestyle...


  1. Yes, a dream that will soon come true.

  2. Great points about solo travel! You will always find others who have also stepped out on their own.
    The best thing is, you will instantly have something in common!

  3. Sorry to be critical but I don’t think picking up food or sleeping in a tent is sustainable. It could quickly lead to a dirty appearance which some might associate with homelessness, and sabotage a person’s chance at getting work and communicating with others. I think young people should be dissuaded from this option. The way you are doing it, Eli, seems about right.

  4. As a female, do you think it is safe to attempt the nomadic lifestyle alone? I will be finishing my active duty term in the US Army this upcoming October and really have no desire to just go home and be a civilian with a basic 9-5. I have no children and I love pets so I started looking into house sitting. I think I’m just concerned doing it alone still so far away from home. At least in the Army I have my battle buddies. Not sure what it’ll be like without them.

    • I think the most important factor is the location you choose, some countries are not easy for solo female travelers. However, if you pick Europe as a destination, I honestly don’t see any problem at all, if you stay out of trouble and make smart decisions. In other locations, it is possible as well, but you better have a little bit more traveling experience to know how to avoid potential situations, so start with the easy destinations like Scandinavia, Hungary etc.
      Good luck!

  5. This is the third time I am reading this post. Got me not only thinking of Bali (via Lisabon and Quebec, then Malaysia), but I also started reading “Start-up Nation” by Dan Senor and Saul Singer. That one came from “monetize yourself” because I want to leave a “home-base” – a small IT startup and revisit my hometown whenever I feel nostalgic to a high degree (or simply want to see my family in Serbia from time to time). “Don’t look for trouble” is actually the smartest “mindset piece” in my country now, since the young generation is disappointed to such a degree that even a wrong look can get you into a fight or worse. But I’m not thinking about nomadic ways in order to run away from trouble, rather I wish to spend some years in certain places and then settle down back home, enriched with experiences and, hopefully, share those experiences with a small team of people that I left to guard our startup. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you, Lorena.

  6. Very nice indeed and thank you for sharing your thoughts.

    • Thank you Vuk!


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