Being Stuck in Israel, but back on the road soon!
Being Stuck in Israel, but back on the road soon! | BecomeNomad


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Being stuck in Israel

Hello fellow Nomads,

Long time no write, my apologies. The modern life is crashing my ability to supply you with nomadic inspiration, as I focus on fighting my ever growing Inbox.

With that said, I always love hearing from you, so send me an email if you have any questions or comments.

Greetings from Israel, where I have been for more than 2 months now! Why? Firstly, I got sick in Osijek, a small city in Croatia and needed a rest. Well, that explains the first 40 days here, but the rest of my time here was spent on administration issues, such as registering a company. This brings an interesting thought about Attachments. As you already know, attachments are peculiar elements who creep up on you without notice and tie you to a certain place or situation. We all avoid attachments here, may they be kids, relationships, love, hate, comfort, home, and money. Having a registered company is an evil attachment which requires signatures and bank account, so if anyone wishes to purchase mine and set me free, let me know.

The nice thing about staying longer in my country is the ability to have some resources I don’t usually have such as a car and camping gear. I have started Camping once or twice a week, and feel like we should all sleep less between Four walls and make a habit of sleeping more under the stars. Here is a photo from my recent camping in Lake Galilea, pretty close to where Jesus walked the water. It’s sad that the same Lake that experienced Jesus in all his might and glory now has to witness me working on my laptop by its side. But that’s life, many ups and downs, even for holy Lakes.

Next week, I am hopefully going to start a nomadic wave again, starting in Hungary, and then Romania, Bulgaria, and Macedonia. If you are around, invite me to dinner.

What’s new on the blog? Soon, I will publish a fun and optimistic post on the topic of “Dealing with severe sickness while traveling”. Check the site in a week! Other than that, I am very fortunate to have people suggesting to write Guest Posts for the blog. The two recent ones discuss “How to get clients as a digital nomad” and “Resources for coders on the road”. If you have a nomadic topic you would like to write about, please reply to this email and we will see if your topic fits the blog.

The blog and I have received some nice media attention recently, mainly due to the Global Startup Map I am working on. An example from an interview on CNN with a few philosophical questions about the nomadic lifestyle can be seen here.

Travel resource of the month! is very fun and intuitive platform to search for flights that go “Everywhere” for those with full flexibility and no attachments (that’s all of you minus me right?)

That’s it for now. If you have any comments, questions or you are around where I am currently at, let me know.

Happy travels!

Eli and the Becomenomad team

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Since 2010, Eli has traveled constantly as a digital nomad. The Become Nomad blog and podcast are here to give you insights and inspiration for living or starting your own unique nomadic lifestyle...

1 Comment

  1. Trish Oberdorf – These pictures are aaznimg! Thank you for your time and for your beautiful work, Meridith! I cannot wait to see the rest! It was wonderful to see you again!


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