About the BecomeNomad Blog and Team
The goal of this blog and podcast is to provide insights and resources for Nomads who are already on the road, while also offering inspiration to those of you who are considering a long-term nomadic lifestyle. We would like it to be resource to help people get unstuck, if they wish. Some of articles will even be relevant for non-nomads as they relate to other life aspects and general travel.
The BecomeNomad blog and our other projects have been featured in the press, as well:
My name is Eli. I have been a nomad since 2010, constantly changing countries and cities.
BecomeNomad was started by yours truly (Eli David) in 2012, and is here to this day owing to the leadership of our editor and real boss Dan, and Vuk, a magician WordPress developer.
So how did it all start?
Until 2010, I was in a stable relationship, maintained a cat, and was a falling star in an accounting firm. Since then, everything has changed. I move constantly and have lived in more than 40 countries while traveling to more 70.
I decided to start living a Nomadic Life due to a lethal combination of:
1) I wasn’t too happy with the fact that every day of my life seemed like the day before, although it didn’t really make me sad either.
2) I got separated from my main attachments. My relationship broke and I got fired from my job (twice!). When I was “normal”, I promised myself that if had the chance, I would take the leap and start living a nomadic life.
I can’t offer much inspiration on actively perusing that goal other grabbing the opportunity that life granted me with those separations. Thank you life, you truly rock and work in splendid ways! I also thank myself for taking this opportunity instead of panicking to my old ways. I did actively separate from my last remaining attachment, a splendid cat called Rizik who is still live and well, yet, shows no signs of following the nomadic path.
The nomadic lifestyle is based on the following pillars which I keep on forgetting: Nothing is mine, everything is temporal, life is right now, and it is not serious.
Although it sounds exciting to live as a permanent nomad, my actual lifestyle is not what you expect. I work about 9 hours a day, and only travel during the weekends. The only special element here is that I generally don’t stay more than 3 months in the same place, and my next destination is preferably a country I never been to before. You can read more about my nomadic structure of life here.
I am trying to make sure that the blog and podcast will remain a hobby which will hopefully cover the costs, since I want to keep my travels and life pure and separated from my income. While traveling, I am focusing on building cool stuff. I am currently working on a global startup ecosystem map and research center– StartupBlink.
As for the content of BecomeNomad, I have decided to avoid highlighting my own adventures and journeys (since those will honestly put you to sleep) and focus on investigating the Nomadic Lifestyle instead. In case you need more personal inspiration, here are some great travel bloggers which we enjoy following.
For those of you who find listening easier than reading, we also have an Israeli-accented Podcast, with some glamour supplemented from Dan’s perfect English.
With all the hustle and bustle, a word of warning is in place. A surprisingly low number of people are actually practicing a nomadic lifestyle and for a good reason. This life is not easy, frequent with separations, uncertainty, and might result in emotional imbalance. Proceed with care, and stop when it’s time.
We would also like to thank our Past BecomeNomad team contributors, we couldn’t have done it without you!
We would love to hear from you, so feel free to ask any questions and give feedback by leaving comments on the site or contacting us.
A presentation in Poland about the Nomadic Lifestyle
Meet the team:

Eli David

Elena Misheva

Daniel Rozenblum
