Quotes for the Nomadic Lifestyle
The Nomadic lifestyle is fascinating and inspired many insights about travel and life in general. The inspiration is probably derived from the immense emotional roller coaster this lifestyle offers. Nomads switch between enjoying the the incredible benefits of being constantly on the road, to painful low points this lifestyle introduces.
Here are some of the most interesting alternative Nomadic quotes, words to give you motivation and show you the way forward as you start or continue your nomadic journey.
The stronger you connect to these quotes, the more you likely you are to connect to the nomadic lifestyle that we are trying to introduce in this blog. The next step is to make those quotes a reality, and embark on your own journey. Over time, we have changed the more common nomad quotes with alternative special ones which we hope you enjoy. Without further ado…
Things you own, end up owning you (Fight Club)
Although not nomadic at first glance, this quote is all about the logic behind a nomadic lifestyle. We usually become slaves to our attachments, to what we have. Nomads are about breaking free, being flexible, starting from scratch time after time.
A good traveller has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving (Lao Tzu)
Probably the most famous nomad quote ever. This lifestyle is not about arriving anywhere, nor is it about fixed goals. The journey itself is the goal, and being happy while traveling is the way.
If in doubt, just walk until your day becomes interesting (Rolf Potts)
A quote with the same mind set of Lao Tzu’s previous quote. If something is interesting, it will probably occur surprisingly. All you have to do is to keep moving and search for it.
When you see a fork in the road, take it (Yogi Bera)
It’s more important to keep on taking forks in the road than deciding which one is better.
My religion is to live and die without regret (Milarepa)
A very powerful quote, a whole philosophy in a few words. You’d have to admit that most of the things we regret are the things we haven’t done or missed out on doing – it’s pretty uncommon to meet someone who regrets traveling too much. When the end comes, following Milarepa’s way will ensure you are at peace.
In a world full of people, only some want to fly. Isn’t that crazy? (Seal)
Nomads fly.
They told me to grow roots, instead I grew wings (Lou)
Our relatives want the best for us, so they try to push us to a safe place, where uncertainty and risks are reduced. However, for some of us wings and not roots is the way to live a happy life.
Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living with the results of someone else’s thinking. (Steve Jobs)
Nomadic lifestyles aren’t the mainstream. If we would live in a way that’s considered normal, we’d be living someone else’s life. Live your own life, pursue your own way. Don’t put up an entire show that doesn’t serve anyone, let alone you yourself.
I’ve been waiting for tomorrow all my life (Matt Johnson)
Tomorrow never comes, it’s all about living in the now. Being too preoccupied about the future and the consequences of your current actions disconnects you from “Now”. There is never another time than the present, and if you’re not making the most of now, then what’s the point? As one Jewish rabbi said, If not now, when?
Long term travel is not an act of rebellion against society; it’s an act of common sense within society (Rolf Potts)
Many regard the nomadic lifestyle as an defying declaration of war against the normal lifestyle. It is not the case, since a nomadic lifestyle is complementary to the normal lifestyle and coexist with it perfectly, to each his own.
One friend of God is traveling (Sufism)
The list of the friends of God in the Sufi religion are residing in specific locations and have a strong connection with god. It might give hope to the spiritual among us that “One” friend of god on this list is constantly traveling without a need of a fixed place of worship. The path is enough to connect.
What you seek is seeking you (Rumi)
A call for being active in this life, if you are really after pursuing your dream. If you’re not going to actively seek out then you won’t find it, and it’s probably not going to come out and find you. Waiting won’t bring you any closer to your goals.
If you are lonely when you are alone, you are in bad company (Jean-Paul Sartre)
The nomadic life involves spending a lot of time with yourself. And unlike many things travel allows you to escape from, it will not allow you to run away from yourself. Alone doesn’t equal Lonely unless something is wrong.
The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance (Alan Watts)
Alan Watts was one of the greatest advocates of change and a great fighter of fears that holds us back. Change will awaken you, so just let go and leap into it. If something feels right, make it happen.
Home is the here and now (Buddhism)
Home doesn’t have to be a physical location; it can be wherever you are, so long as you’re happy, content and satisfied with your current reality.
The moments you have experienced are the only possession that nobody can take away from you (Unknown)
Everything is temporal in life; The only thing you really own are the moments you have experienced. Those are yours to keep, and more importantly, to collect.
The road is my teacher (Yours truly!)
I used to look for mentors and people who can explain aspects of life to me. As time passed, I realized that constantly moving is the best learning and growth process there is. The road will make you smarter by simply taking it.
Change is home (Me again!)
We all need some kind of home, we all seek love and happiness. Why not make change itself your home?
Do you have any quotes or inspirational sayings that motivate you? Feel free to add them to the comments.
A wanderer
let that be my name
Again, Walking Rain~
a slight spin off one of Basho’s translations~