As you know, our tribe is called “Digital Nomads,” but is this really the best term?
Spoiler alert… We have an alternative moniker we’d like to propose: Meta Nomads. Let’s see if it resonates.
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Our definitions are pretty important because they give our lives a level of certainty. And one of the things we owe ourselves is figuring out what exactly it is that we’re up to. So that it doesn’t just fly by aimlessly.
We even have a past episode about the importance of definitions!
Let’s start with the flaws in the term Digital Nomad
Personally, I’ve never connected to it. It’s simple in explaining our lives, but it’s a bit too wide and a bit too undefined. I don’t think it can really create a real narrative and it’s hard for a tribe to gather around it. But most of all: It also focuses on the wrong aspect.
And that’s without mentioning: Because we’re nomads, we’re always seeking out change… Which sticking to one individual term for years doesn’t really allow us.
Now, this term has become a little fluffy and hyped. And there doesn’t have to be a movement to replace it, but it might be time to play around with some new definitions.
So when we look at defining what we do, there is one word in our present view of digital nomads that I really do like: The word Nomad. I do feel Nomadism is the key to our definition. After all, if you look at what we’re all about, it’s not really the working online; it’s the moving around part. And that’s the part I vote to keep.
But the term Digital Nomad is a bit problematic because it treats those two elements as equal parts of our identity. But, at least for me, what we’re doing here is more nomadic than online.
One more slight problem with the term digital nomad: It’s much easier to define. When somebody asks you, that part implies that you’re working online. And because the digital part is easier to define, it actually gets the majority of attention.
This feels a bit problematic to me. Instead of supporting the word nomad, it’s shrouding it. And by using the term Digital Nomad, we’re diluting the Nomad part.
And maybe each of us actually needs his or her own term to aptly describe that journey. But Nomad should be the thread connecting it all together.
Examining the common thread: Nomad
Defining the word Nomad isn’t actually easy at all. As I see it, Nomad means you are a non-nestler, in the sense that you are not building a nest. Recently, this is the definition I see, especially since most people are trying to build a nest (which, by the way, is a great way to live life).
But a nomadic person is more or less not nestling. So the idea of switching from one place to another without a home base is part of this definition. Beyond that, it’s pretty arbitrary as far as definitions go.
To expand on the deeper level, our reality has two layers:
- What we have inside of us; who we are
- What’s outside of us; our surroundings
A nomad understands that the inside is quite complex to deal with, so he or she starts by dealing with the second layer – with a constant change in location. Which causes a change in how we feel and the experiences we have. In a way, by changing our surroundings, we’re also growing and changing the inside part of us as well.
It’s a bit scattered, but these are a few things that we hang on to the term Nomad.
So what will supplement the word Nomad?
Maybe… Nothing. Maybe it’s just Nomad. This could be a beautiful descriptor! But it probably will lead to other questions about sustaining yourself or what else goes into the lifestyle.
If you agree and think we could use a new term, consider Meta Nomad
Where does it come from? Let’s look at similar term”Metaverse” a word I encountered in Snowcrash by Neil Stephenson. This book has a situation with two realities:
The first one is real life which entails a chaotic reality. But then there is also a Metaverse – an online environment where people are connecting and escaping with new rules, new physics, new social norms, new teachings, etc…
Why am I suggesting this term? First of all, because Meta is abstract – instead of overshadowing the term Nomad like Digital does. But Meta doesn’t give all the answers. Nor does it take all the attention. It’s just a supplement to Nomad, which here still steals the show.
And also, I think the most interesting part of Meta is the separation between Meta and Nomad. Instead of them binding into an unbreakable bond, you have the key – Nomad – and this other flavor in Meta.
This Meta (and maybe this is the main point) helps us not define our reality by the Digital. The Digital currently exists mainly to bring life or sustain the nomadic lifestyle. In a way, our digital reality might not be a reality that we want to celebrate. And Meta really implies that it’s a different world – an escape.
In Snowcrash, this escape had more to do with entertainment. But in our case, this escape to the online world is an escape to sustain ourselves. It’s not necessarily an integral part of us or even a badge of honor, because what happens with most of us is that the digital part takes over. It consumes our thoughts. And perhaps by giving more of our thoughts to the Nomad part, we’ll restructure our lives around it and empower it to be our core definition.
When you go deeper into Meta – our online reality – you’ll also figure out that this reality gives us anchors, helps define us, and gives our ego a little boost.
By using the word Digital Nomad as our core reality, we’re more celebrating the disconnection from our nomadic reality in favor of an online reality. And for me, by saying Meta Nomad, I’m acknowledging that these two worlds are separate, they’re colliding, and they’re actually not very synergetic.
If you are spending more time in the Metaverse (which I constantly am), you can realize that maybe this doesn’t perfectly align with your values. But at least this definition isn’t so tied to the digital cyber-space; it’s tied more to the nomadic element. And in order to sustain this nomadic element, I have to take short trips to the Metaverse.
But – I don’t have to define myself by this Meta part in the way that I do with Digital. And, thus, I can’t get too comfortable here under this Meta umbrella.
Meaning – I really have to confront this weird, vague nomadic part of my being without constantly turning to the Digital and hiding behind it.
What to you think about Meta Nomad? Do you have a preferred term of self-description or another eloquent way to explain what you’re up to? Let us know below!
Very good points. I don’t use the words “digital” or “nomad.” When people ask me where I’m from I just say: “nowhere, I just travel from place to place.”
Yeah, definitely feel that! I’ve often said something like “oh I’m just traveling & working remotely…” Never really wearing “digital nomad” like a badge or anything. Would be curious to hear why you choose not to use those words, though.
Thanks for commenting, Stan!
Excellent points. The new nomad is the replacement of the word expat (a colonial term). Those working for multinational companies, solopreneurs, remote workers, freelancers, immigrants, int’l students, and more are the new nomad.
Thanks for reading, Andrew! And yeah that’s actually another interesting angle of this – the ways in which our current conversation about nomenclature are reactionary to the term “expat.” Might have to be a topic for a future discussion…